Pacific Pride Evident at Parents' Meeting
The final meeting of the Pacific Parents Group demonstrated the impact this group and the students are making at school. And plans are in place to strengthen even further the support structure and motivating factors which are playing an increasingly significant part in the school lives of the students.
Students spoke at the meeting..
- The Pacific Pride Leaders 2015 have looked at how Pacific Pride leaders are chosen and decided they would run interviews for the leadership positions. As a result, the names of the Pacific Pride leaders for 2016 are known before the year is over and they get a flying start the following year.
- Late in Term 3, five senior students attended the Massey University “Aganu’u- My Cultural Space” course which looked at how Pacific students can use their culture to help enhance their success at school. There they met Andrew Wilson whose workshop so impressed them that they asked him to be the motivational speaker at the Senior Academic Fono held in the PAC on 16th October. The fono was really well attended and the students were both moved and inspired by Andrew’s life story.
- Manu Fa’aea-Semeatu has been working with the school on ‘where to next’: We have asked Manu to present us with a plan that we can implement to make further progress in raising Pacific achievement in the College.
Andrew Sampson, Head Boy, spoke to the gathering ‘On being the only palagi in the Samoan group’: Andrew gave a very good speech on his experiences and offered some very interesting insights. (image far right)
Elizabeth Fa’amamafa and friends then entertained with a hymn of thanks and the audience joined in and sang along.
As has become the custom, the Year 13 students got up, said who they were and stated their career choices. As usual a range of interesting careers/study came up and included – arts and law, commerce, electrical engineering and PE. The Year 12 students thanked the Year 13’s for being such good role models and presented them with lolly leis.
Finally thanks were offered to Mr Alistair Aitken, Deputy Principal,(image right) who is retiring next month. He said it has been his privilege and pleasure to work with students and their families to improve Pacific achievement in the College. He also thanked the staff who are members of the Pacific Focus Group, Chris Peteru and especially Brian Tonks who has worked tirelessly in the pursuit of the academic and cultural well-being of Pacific students over a long period of time. |
2014 Meetings - held in the Staffroom, beginning at 6pm.
Term 1 -
Thursday April 3.
Pacific Pride on Show
The Pasifika Parents Support Group has met for the first time this year and has every reason to be proud of their students as their successes in academic, sporting and leadership fields were highlighted.
As Mr Bovaird reported : the recent Education Review Office visitors were impressed by the progress made by Pasifika students - their literacy achievement at Level 1 is outstanding. Pasifika students are well represented in senior Leadership positions this year -the Head Boy is Samoan and the Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy are Tongan. Pasifika participation in sport is 40% and is the highest in the College.
An important part of the meeting was the presentation of badges to the Pacific Pride leaders. Mr Tonks spoke of the background to the Pacific Pride Leaders and had on display the design for the badges that was done by David Hoeft. He also spoke of the induction of Year 9 Pasifika students by the Pacific Pride leaders at the start of this year and what a good job they had done for the young students. Nineteen Year 12 and 13 students came forward to receive their badges from Mr Bovaird and Mr Kaleta, a Board of Trustees member.
Mr Solomona Siaopo was a very popular and inspirational speaker. Solomona grew up in in Samoa and became a professional wrestler and also entered body building shows. He became very well known and was widely recognised wherever he went. Eventually Solomona and his wife came back to New Zealand and he is now a personal trainer. His advice to the students was never to let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything because when you follow your dream and give it all your best you will find out just how good you can be.. The talk was enhanced by photos from his wrestling life.

The last part of the evening was devoted to performances by the Samoan, Cook Island and Tongan groups. The dancing and singing was magnificent and it was evident a lot of work had gone into preparation for the performances. These groups and many others will be performing on Culture Day April 12. |
Venue: staffroom
Time: 6.30 to 8.30
- Chris Peteru welcomed the parents, students and staff to the first meeting of the year and gave the prayer of welcome.
- Mr Bovaird addressed the meeting. He spoke on the recent Education Review Office visit and how the ERO team had been very impressed with the College, particularly the progress made by Pasifika students. The literacy achievement at Level One is outstanding. Pasifika representation in leadership positions in the school is very strong. The Head Boy is Samoan and the Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy are Tongan. Pasifika participation in sport is 40% and is the highest in the College. Mr Bovaird reminded the audience of culture week and culture Saturday, 12 April, when the food stalls are set up and the culture groups perform in the hall.
- Presentation of badges to the Pacific Pride leaders. Mr Tonks spoke of the background to the Pacific Pride Leaders and had on display the design for the badges that was done by David Hoeft. He also spoke of the induction of year nine Pasifika students by the Pacific Pride leaders at the start of this year and what a good job they had done for the year nines. Nineteen year 12 and 13 students came forward to receive their badges from Mr Bovaird and Mr Kaleta, a Board of Trustees member.
- Mr Solomona Siaopo was a very popular inspirational speaker. Solomona grew up in in Samoa and dreamed of being a wrestler from watching wrestling on a black and white TV. At about 17 or 18, he left for the USA and went to computing school and got a job. Solomona then became a professional wrestler and also entered body building shows. He became very well known and was widely recognised wherever he went. Eventually Solomona and his wife came back to New Zealand and is now a personal trainer. His advice to the students was never to let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything because people say that you are too small or too big or too fat and that when you follow your dream, give it all your best. The talk was enhanced by photos from his wrestling life and at the end Solomona brought the house down by removing his top and posing as a body builder.
- The last part of the evening was devoted to performances by the Samoan, Cook Island and Tongan groups. The dancing and singing was magnificent and it was evident a lot of work had gone into preparation for the performances.
- Lute Silalu gave the prayer to end the meeting and students, parents and staff enjoyed the shared meal.
Term 2 -
Thursday May 29.
- Martha Johansson welcomed parents and students and Chris Peteru gave the prayer.
- Inspirational Speakers: Atalini, Jonah and Rachel Nabalarua all spoke of their journey through life and how they managed the challenges that were thrown at them, especially at school and university. The key to overcoming the difficult moments in their life were the support of their family and faith.
- Information on securing scholarships: Neil Waddington spoke of the great number of scholarships that are available to Pasifika students from a range of tertiary institutions for a variety of reasons. It is important that students know what is available and be aware of closing dates.
- Students speaking about their school work: Darien Sorby left Lynfield at the end of 2013 having achieved a Merit for her photography board. She is now working on a Certificate in Design leading to a Bachelor in Individual Arts and Design. She had her board and display and she explained the intentions behind the photographs. Grace Kaleta talked about why Science was important to her and Loto Noavea had put his pocket bike on display. Eli Kaleta’s speech was followed by an inspiring address by Toa Peteru on why Shakespeare was important to him and why his plays have so much relevance to our lives today.
- Student introductions: the twenty-two students present lined up and stated their origins, year level and what they intend doing on leaving school. The student intentions covered a wide range of interesting and challenging occupations.
- An account of the trip to Rarotonga: Eli and Lute gave a power point presentation of the trip to Rarotonga where the students stayed at Titikaveka College, as well as a flash resort, in the May holidays.
- Farewell to Martha Johansson: Chris Peteru, Steve Bovaird, Russell Su’a, Alistair Aitken, Brian Tonks, Wilma van Heeswijk and Mu Kaleta spoke on the enormous contribution that Martha has made to Lynfield College in a variety of roles. Martha has left her mark on the hearts of many, based on her strong faith and love of family. Martha was joined by Adolf as they look ahead to Fiji and a new chapter in their life. Eli and Lute presented leis to Martha and then Lute led the students in a hymn as a tribute to Martha.
- Shared meal
Below from left : sharing the photography folio; Mr Bovaird farewells Martha; Martha and some parents.
Term 3 -
Thursday July 31.
Varied Programme at Pacific Parents' Evening
The Pacific Parents evening on 31 July gave parents the opportunity to catch up with others, share a meal and be inspired.
The guest speaker was Herman Retzlaff who spoke about his experiences as a lawyer and voluntary work with youth, and the need for students to think big, and follow their dreams.
The school band “One Tribe” performed, as did student Brandon Keil who performed a musical piece.
Staff members Brian Tonks, Susan Allpress and Sean Davis talked about their experiences at the conference “Carrying the Tapa”.
The Year 10 Dean, Sofia Hameed talked about the use of devices with the Year 10 cohort. |

Left: Herman Retzlaff. Centre: Brandon Keil
Right: One Tribe |
Term 4 -
Thursday October 30. This meeting will be one of celebration and farewells as the end of the year approaches.
Inspiration and Gratitude at Final Pasifika Parents Meeting
As our senior students leave Lynfield this meeting was a time for reflection on successes whilst at school and also a look forward helped by some inspiration from Damon Salesa, Associate Professor Pacific Studies, Auckland University.
Damon spoke of his background: he began school at Glen Innes, attended Selwyn College, Auckland University and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship. Damon was the first Pacific Islander to achieve this award. Damon gained a PhD and then taught at the University of Michigan. Damon advised the students that the best chance they get is to go to school and do well. Parents give pen and paper and it is up to their children to write their own stories. It is all ahead of young people and there is nothing to stop them achieving. Damon gave a strong message that education is the means for students to set themselves up for life. Damon was followed by one of our recent former students, Tony Patolo, who is doing his honours year in Pacific Studies under Damon’s guidance.
The Year 13 Pasifika students proudly spoke of their future career aspirations and these include nursing, engineering, music, PE, arts, commerce, sports science, business and communications, law, performing arts and business management. We wish them every success. Eli Kaleta and Lute Sikalu (Head Students) gave thanks to the staff who have supported Pacific Pride, particularly Brian Tonks, and presented a montage of their school life while Mr Bovaird congratulated the pacific students for their leadership of the college students and their role modelling to all Pacific students in particular.
This was followed by a video recording of Martha Johansson speaking from Fiji, and a plea for support from Chris Peteru who is planning on entering a Samoan and a Tongan group in 2015 Polyfest. The Board of Trustees was represented by Mr Mu Kaleta and Adolf Johansson blessed the shared meal.