Student attendance, along with effective teaching, has the greatest influence on student engagement and achievement. All students must be present at school so they can participate and engage in learning.
The Attendance Management System provides comprehensive data to monitor attendance, to identify patterns, to support interventions to minimise truancy, and to report to parents/caregivers, the Board of Trustees, the Ministry of Education and the local community. Where a pattern of lateness or non-attendance is noted you will receive a letter notifying you of the absences and the requirement for your child to attend an after school detention to make up the missed time. If you have any questions regarding the procedures for monitoring student attendance please do not hesitate to contact our Attendance Officer, Karen Grant, on extension 729.
For all absences parents and caregivers must telephone the absence line on 6270600, ext. 729 or email specifying the student's name and form class, the reason for the absence, and the name of the person telephoning or emailing the college.
A medical certificate is expected for any absence of five (5) days or more.
Lynfield College expects enrolled students to be punctual:
- Dropping students off after 8.55 am means the student is late.
- Students must sign in at the Dean's Reception before going to class.
An early notification system is in place. When a student is found to be absent a text message is sent to both caregivers' cellphones as entered on the enrolment form. When students are late to school parents will be emailed. It is important that parents and caregivers update their contact details with the Deans' Secretary (extension 731) should any contact details change.
Students and their families have responsibilities to comply with legislated attendance requirements under Section 29 of the Education Act. Parents and caregivers are expected to notify the College of all absence and the reason for an absence and to cooperate with the college to maximise attendance and minimise truancy.
If you have queries concerning absences please contact your child’s Dean.
When a student misses an assessment test or deadline due to illness or circumstances beyond their control they may apply for the achievement level to be recognized with a grade. A written request, which includes a detailed explanation of the circumstances and a doctor’s certificate in the case of illness, must be handed to the Head of Department with five days of the missed assessment activity.