Lynfield College Pepeha
Ko Pukewiwi te maunga |
The name of our mountain is Pukewiwi |
Ko Te Manukau te moana |
The name of our sea is the Manukau |
Ko Te Whau te awa |
The name of our river is Te Whau |
Ko Te Ringa Awhina te marae |
Our college marae is Te Ringa Awhina |
Ko te Kaareti o Pukewiwi toku turangawaewae |
Lynfield College is the place where we belong |
Lynfield College is a modern co-educational school established in 1958. It has excellent facilities able to accommodate over 1900 day school students.
The school offers an excellent broad-based school programme and the highly flexible senior course structure allows students to multi-level their studies. The majority of students will leave with NCEA Level 2 or 3 qualifications.
Emphasis at Lynfield College is on learning as a life-long process. The school fosters scholarship, self-esteem, good communication skills, and the importance of leisure and recreation as part of a well balanced life style.
Respect and concern for family, other individuals, and the environment are expected and encouraged. This is reinforced by the school's commitment to the "safe schools" policy. |
Owing to pressures on accommodation and resources, Lynfield College operates an Enrolment Scheme approved by the Ministry of Education. The school has a home zone from which students in permanent residence are entitled to enrol. Beyond this zone enrolment is restricted.
Features of the College:
- a fine academic record in public examinations
- multi-level programming according to ability and readiness.
- annual scholarships for excellence in academic, cultural, and sporting activities
- schoolwide wi-fi system supported by ultrafast broadband
- a Learning Support department for students who need support in the mainstream or who are better supported in a home room environment
- a Careers and Transition department with 2 full time staff to provide one on one support, careers and Tertiary option information as well as work experience through the MOE Gateway scheme and local options
- an international education programme including hosting overseas students and regular sister-city exchanges with Japan (Shinagawa) and China (Guangzhou & Huangzhou).
- a specially designed Arts Faculty block with a performing arts centre.
- a unique school library and information retrieval system with internet access
- a Lynfield College Sports Centre with two gyms, weights room, PE and Health classrooms, sports pavilion incorporating a cafeteria and changing rooms, and large astro turf
- quality child care facilities and a community cultural centre.
- expert instruction in English language and citizenship for new immigrant adults
Lynfield College visibly displays the characteristics of success. It is financially sound, well equipped, and well governed. Diversification, innovation, and harmony are key words in describing the character of the school.
The school's philosophy is summed up in its motto 'Disce Vivere' which means 'Learn to Live', and that involves growth, activity, change and tolerance, necessary qualities for tomorrow's world.
General Goals
The general goals of the College are:
- To provide broad, balanced educational programmes.
- To enhance student achievement, satisfaction and personal standards of excellence.
- To promote social equity for all groups and to fulfil the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi by valuing New Zealand's dual cultural heritage.
- To enhance staff performance.
- To enhance the physical working and learning environment.
- To foster a spirit of community and co-operative endeavour.
- To promote an on-going review of all educational programmes.
- To foster healthy lifestyles and a positive New Zealand identity.
- To promote open access to lifelong learning.
- To foster a partnership with the school's community and be responsive to its educational needs and wishes.
- To foster an international education perspective for students, staff and the local community.
- To promote the development of skills in information technology for students, staff and community
Lynfield College History
Special thanks to Past Principal Steve Bovaird who has spent countless hours of researching and reviewing Lynfield College's archives to create an impressive collection of information and images to reflect 60 years of history. Some years are short of material, such as 1976. Please let us know if you have any information, photos or documents we could borrow for copying, so they can be added to our collection.
Our Reunion Event Page on Facebook can still be found at: