September 2024

Sascha Oldehaver: Guest Speaker
Lions Club of Blockhouse Bay – Lynfield

What a pleasure last night to have as our guest speaker Sascha Oldehaver, an inspirational student from Lynfield College, talking about her life's challenge of living with type one diabetes but not letting it define her as she actively seeks to gain leadership knowledge and be an example to others, acting as a coach in several sports and Pacific affairs.

Lions Club of Blockhouse Bay - Lynfield is pleased to part sponsor Sascha to attend the Future Leaders Academy in Rarotonga. Watch out to see more of this young lady. Pictured here President Janelle Collins presents Sascha with a certificate of appreciation for her talk, which left Lions and guests overwhelmed with her ability, charm and positivity.

  Lions Logo
sacha b sacha a
Story and photos with thanks to Alan Gray (Secretary/Treasurer), from the Lions Club of Blockhouse Bay – Lynfield.

Subash Chandar K from InfinityPlusOne Visit

This afternoon, (5 September), I had the pleasure of visiting @lynfieldcollege_nz and was truly amazed by the long queue of students who stayed well after school just to get their calculators, books, robot parts, and bags signed and to take photos. It was a special surprise to see a good friend’s daughter, who I remember as a toddler some 13 years ago! I even got to FaceTime a student who was at a tournament, thanks to his mates, and endorsed Cyrus for Student Exec 2025. I'll always treasure the thoughtful sunflower a student made for me, and a big thank you to Lynfield College and the Academic leaders for the epic mug. Plus, the infinity cupcake was so good! Till the next time folks!


Facebook post:

subash a subash g subash c
subash e subash d subash f subash b

Looks like this event with Subash Chandar K
from Infinity+ was enjoyed by everyone!

Subash is a former Maths teacher who did lots of innovative work using digital platforms as his main pedagogical process, ideas he generously shared with the Maths teacher community over the years which became necessary tools and resources during lockdowns. Great that he has created a successful youtube platform that the nation’s students feel is supportive to them. Well done, Rishitt and team!!

Ms Kristelle Varney | Lynfield College School Board

te wiki banner

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori is an annual celebration for all New Zealanders to show their support for the Maori language, an official language of this country.

Our Young Māori Leaders and Pacific Pride Leaders are super excited to celebrate Te wiki o Te Reo Māori. 

Please find attached the promotion video created by John Mahe and Nakkita Tuhaka Te Wiki o te Reo Maori Video and the presentation for Hui mai by Danyon Varney and Hunter Savieti: Powerpoint Presentation 2024

The theme for Te Wiki 2024 is 'Ake ake ake - A Forever Language'. It represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of our language. It also reflects the commitment New Zealanders have to embracing and learning te reo Maori long into the future. 

Under enduring pressure te reo Maori has shown it will adapt and survive. It grows with our people, our culture and our environment. Join us this Maori Language Week to celebrate. 

Kia māhorahora te reo – let’s make it seen, let’s make it heard.

Lynfield College Maori Language Week Celebrations

Ratu 17 Mahuru

Kapa haka performance
at staff hui

Paraoa parai

Fried bread for sale
at the Marae

Lunch $2 each with toppings (golden syrup, pata, tiamu)

Ratu 17 Mahuru

Ti rakau at lunch Marae

Nau Mai Haere Mai

All welcome

Raapa 18 Mahuru

Maorioke at lunch
in the Marae

Nau mai Haere mai
ki te whare ki te waiata i roto i te Reo Māori 

(sing waiata Māori 
at the marae) 

Rapare 19 Mahuru

Staff quiz-hui o te ata

Colouring competition
at marae


Quiz-Te wiki
o te Reo Māori
with Prizes 

Ramere 20 Mahuru

Learn about poi
and rakau at the marae lunch

(kapa haka, Māori Focus Group and Young Māori Leaders to lead)

About Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Māori Language Week has been celebrated in Aotearoa since 1975. This special week is an opportunity for the concentrated celebration and promotion of te reo Māori, helping to secure its future as a living, dynamic, and rich language. 

In the mid-20th century, there were concerns that the Māori language was dying out. The future of te reo Māori was the subject of a Waitangi Tribunal claim in 1985. The tribunal’s recommendations led to far-reaching legislative and policy changes. Māori became an official language of New Zealand in 1987. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori was established in the same year to promote te reo. 

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is part of a broad Māori language revival programme and raises public awareness for Māori language learning and public usage. Mahuru Māori is an initiative begun in 2017 to promote the use of te reo Māori throughout September. The campaign is an essential part of achieving the goal of one million speakers of te reo Māori in 2040.

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