July 2023

Open Evening Hospitality

Barista and Hospitality students were keen to showcase their barista and baking skills during the enrolment Open Evening on 31 July 2023. 

Whānau and ākonga were treated to hot chocolate in D’Cafe and finished their journey through the commercial kitchen to enjoy a selection of baked goods.

Thank you to the Year 13 Barista students who served a record breaking 500 hot chocolates. Your friendly and warm smiles are a testament to how you run D’Cafe for service during morning tea and lunch times.

Year 12 Barista students demonstrated their front of house skills serving the baked goods, whilst the Culinary Club impressed visitors with the culinary skills.

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Year 9 Soft Materials

Throughout Term 2, Year 9 Soft Materials students created a selection of hoodies. Students had to design and make a hoodie and trialled a variety of applied design techniques.
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NZSS Swimming Championships

Kevin Zhang travelled to Wellington for the New Zealand Secondary School Swimming Championships at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre from Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 July. These championships run across six sessions to see the best secondary school swimmers go head-to-head for the national title and for secondary schools seeking the top school title. Kevin won gold in the 16 year old 100m individual medley and silver in the 200m breaststroke. 

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Above: Kevin Zhang Above: Kevin Zhang (Centre)

Held at West Wave Aquatic Centre in Henderson at the end of last term on Sunday 25 June, Kevin Zhang (Year 12) and Krish Reddy (Year 9) competed in the Auckland Secondary Schools Individual Swimming Championships with some of the best and most highly competitive swimmers in Auckland. Kevin won two golds in the 100m freestyle and 200m individual medley and one silver in the 200m freestyle.

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Above: Krish Reddy Above: Kevin Zhang
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Above: Kevin Zhang Above: Krish Reddy

Photo Credit: Mr Ron Delgrosso

Fan Club Now in the Top 30 Smokefree Rockquest Acts

We are thrilled to announce the nationwide Top 30 Smokefree Rockquest acts for this year's live original music competition.

Starting with over 800 acts entered throughout the regional live events, and then over 100 acts submitting videos for the Top 30 selection, these acts are truly remarkable. The talent throughout been overwhelming, and it speaks volumes about the vibrant music scene in our country. The level of creativity and artistry displayed in this year's competition has blown us away.

  smokefree top 30
Earning a spot in the Top 30 is no easy feat, and every single act that participated deserves a massive round of applause.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa ki te eke ki runga toru tekau o Smokefreerockquest!

Fan Club (Emma Wagner, Caleb Young, Tilly Wells (Lynfield College) and Thomas Christie (Green Bay High School) have made it into the National Semi-final of SFRQ. Their video submission of three original songs will be passed onto another panel of judges who will then select the Top 10 Acts for the National Final.

As part of securing their spot in the Top 30, Smokefree RockQuest has organised, in collaboration with the NZ Music Commission, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Youth Development, a lineup of upskilling opportunities and experiences:

1. Recording one of Fan Club’s original songs at a professional local recording studio.
2. Media Mentoring from Sarah Gandy, a hugely experienced industry professional and media specialist, on board to host a series of live online workshops tailor-made for young acts finding their feet in the music industry. The workshops will be focused on Publicity, Media Skills, and Online Content.

On Monday 31 July, the Top 10 Acts are announced at 3.00 pm. We wish Fan Club all the best for the finals. Here is one of their songs from their video submission reel: Rough

Senior Quizzex

Lynfield hosted our annual Quizzex last Tuesday (Junior) and Thursday (Senior). Organized by the Academic captains with the help of Mr Winn, the competition featured students from all year levels, showcasing their knowledge and critical thinking skills in subjects like history, science, mathematics, and current affairs.

The participants demonstrated remarkable teamwork and quick thinking as they vied for the title of "Quizzex Champion." The event's atmosphere was charged with excitement, culminating in the victory of Mando's #1 Fans (Senior). A big thank you to all the markers and everyone else in involved!
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The Spirit of the Ball - One Ball One World

On 19 and 20 July, a group of German students across different year levels had the great opportunity to attend the spirit of the football workshop called The Ball. The workshop focused for example on aspects of sustainability, equal rights and fair play football. The founder of The Ball movement, Andrew Aris and his team visited us at Lynfield College. The ball is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. This ball has been to many different countries like England, Jordan and even all the way to Tuvalu.  

During the workshop they introduced the different SDGs, short for Sustainable Development Goals. We learnt that pollution does not just affect the environment but it also affects the people and communities as well. Fair play football was introduced, a modified version of the game that made it more inclusive. Some other students joined us during the game to emphasise that everyone can play. At the end of the game we were given the opportunity to sign the ball and say pledges based on the SDGs.

The workshop was a great experience for everyone and a way to learn German, about the SDGs, fairplay, and equality. Thanks to Frau Wradatsch and The Spirit of Football team for organising such a wonderful opportunity.

For more information: Spirit of Football: The Ball brings education workshops to football clubs and schools

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Kickboxing Win to Audrina

Congratulations to Audrina Marsters-Singh (9GRT) Winner of 60kg girls weight class division at the Under 16s Youth Kickboxing Tournament.

Audrina has been training in Taekwondo for many years but this was her first official Kickboxing fight for the Combat Centre (Whenuapai), in the Road2Vegas Boxing and Kickboxing Tournament held on Saturday 9 July at the Auckland Boxing Association Stadium, Eden Terrace. This was a girls’ only tournament that attracted fighters from all over New Zealand.

Audrina’s younger sister Christabelle (10 years), also competed and won in her division.

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Matariki Festival 2023

Matariki Festival 2023 is presented by Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Council in partnership with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei: https://www.matarikifestival.org.nz/

Celebrate the Māori new year in Tāmaki Makaurau with Matariki Festival, from 11 to 22 July

Matariki Festival heralds the Māori new year in Tāmaki Makaurau by celebrating te ao Māori through stories, film, entertainment, discussions, performance, food and art. The festival aims to create an environment where communities can come together to learn, reflect on and celebrate this special time of year – the season of Matariki. With more than 100 events and activities on offer – many are free or low cost – we encourage you to join with friends and whānau to make the most of an exciting, vibrant Matariki. Use the map to find out what’s on near you.
Nau mau, haere mai – everyone is welcome

Mānawatia a Matariki!


Banu’s Cooking Demonstration

Careers week started with the Year 11 Hospitality class experiencing a true taste of India. The students were given a glimpse of Indian culture, tradition, hospitality and vegetarian cuisine. It was a multi-sensory experience where Banu demonstrated how to make Dal, Roti and Mango Lassi.

The students got hands-on experience at the end and had time to enjoy the Indian cuisine. Banu also shared her story, her wealth of knowledge and how her products and cooking classes started. For more information on Banu’s classes, products and recipes please visit her website: https://banus.co.nz/
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Starbucks New Zealand Coffee Masterclass

Starbucks New Lynn visited the Year 12 and 13 Barista students to present a coffee masterclass. Students got to learn about the different blends of coffee and how espresso can be produced using different methods of extraction.

Students tasted different blends of coffee and how they paired  with different foods. The session was finished with lots of questions and a Latte art masterclass.

It was also great to be joined by Ester Satrio who was a Year 13 Barista student in 2022, and is now a shift manager at Starbucks while completing her studies at university. 
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We are thrilled to share the outcome of MOTAT’s visit of 9IL classes Friday 4 July. During their visit students were engaged in an interactive, hands-on activity focused on the utilising of simple machines to collaboratively solve a real-world problem. It was truly inspiring to witness the enthusiasm and determination which 9IL learners approached the challenge.

This unique experience not only deepens our students’ understanding of scientific principles, but also fosters essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. We are immensely proud of their accomplishment and the growth they demonstrated throughout the day. 

Innovative Learning team

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Pat Hanly Creativity Award Nominees


Following on from their see are pleased to announce that both Shanaya Pallawela (Year 13) and Danny Dong (Year 12) have been chosen as recipients of the Pat Hanly Creativiy Award. This means that across the Auckland region they are considered as some of the best up and coming young artists.

This will give both students exclusive access to Auckland Art Gallery, mentors, practical workshops etc ... preparing them for a future as artists.

Shanaya Pallawela Kasturiarachchi (3ARP) and Danny Dong (2ARP) have been selected by the Visual Arts department to represent our school for this year's Pat Hanly Creativity Awards, held at Auckland Art Gallery, Toi O Tamaki. Both students are senior painters under the guidance of Ms Van Heeswijk. Good luck and best wishes to both Shanaya and Danny with their submissions.
This is an annual event where Auckland schools select their top Year 13 and Year 12 art students who show outstanding talent and commitment to the visual arts.

Here is a link for more information: Pat Hanly Creativity Awards

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Above: Shanaya Pallawela Kasturiarachchi Oil on canvas, 2023

Artist Statement: The focus is on the theme 'Death', the idea that everyone dies. The woman crying - the two images on her forehead represent her thoughts about living and dying. Girl with a death-mask shows that all living things die. The skull represents death, the roses represent the stages of life.

Right: Danny Dong Oil on canvas, 2023

Artist statement: This painting shows a deer sticking their head through a broken man-made structure. Two formally dressed, emotionless people, are taping the deer in captivity. The deer looks at the audience with glittering eyes. Through symbolism, this piece explains the idea of humans forcing animals into habitats to which they cannot adapt.

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Photography, Visual Arts and Design Media Focus


There is some outstanding work being produced by our current crop of Year 12 Photography students. Ms Stead wants to acknowledge the work produced by two students: George Wang and Linda Liao.

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George Wang

George has created images of beauty and understanding, especially his still
life work.

As shown by his triptych above, he is equally at ease with landscape photography.
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Linda Liao

Linda’s images demonstrate an
understanding of conventions of Photography.

She is equally at ease with portrait, landscape and still life.

Linda has an imaginative response to image making.
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Here are some examples of work being produced in Level 3 Design this Term. They are currently at the halfway mark with their folio production.

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Michelle Lin
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Mina Tabaru
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Hannah Le

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Kiara Milich
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Jeremy Watson



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Finn Lovie-Tyler
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Kaea MacDonald
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Mira Davy
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Noah Pin
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Anika Wong
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