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Four of our students are thrilled to be featured in the latest NZ Apparel magazine. In order in the top row left to right are Ankita Lekinwala, Mele Fetuani, Stephanie Tarawa and Priyanka Rana. (Disregard the Student1 etc labels, they are relevant to another article in the magazine).
These girls were entrants in the SewTec Young Junior Designer Competition at the end of last year.
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As Health and Safety is important to being in the workplace, a First Aid course has provided 20 students with essential preparation for their Gateway Programme work experience.
Students now move into preparing CVs for their prospective employers and into one-on-one interview preparation with the Gateway Coordinator.
Some of the industries students will be involved in will be Business Administration, Aviation Engineering, Motor Engineering, IT, Early Childhood Education, Health, Hospitality and Tourism. Some students will be attending out-of-school courses designed specifically for the Gateway Programme and placements will start in the coming weeks as students move into Vocational Pathways.
To support students using their own devices in the classroom for learning, Mr Eyre has led every Year 9 and Year 10 form class on a programme of Digital Induction. This took place in two periods taken out of students' normal timetabled classes, and looked at the tools they could use for learning on their devices, and how to be good “digital citizens”.
In the first session, students set up their devices with key tools like Google Drive and Gmail, and developed important skills such as setting up bookmarks in their browser and navigating through eLynC. By the end of the session, students had transformed their devices from simple Facebook and YouTube surfing machines, into efficient and useful learning devices.
In the second session, students first shared their ideas of what made someone a good New Zealander. The most commonly expressed ideas were around respect, helping other people, looking after the environment, and following the law.
Following this, students considered the aspects of a good digital citizen as described by Netsafe:
A digital citizen:
They then considered the differences between being a citizen of the real world and the digital world, and described how somebody would demonstrate one of the aspects of digital citizenship. This enabled them to reflect on their own actions online, and how they can stay safe and support others whilst online. Some of their work is shown below:
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The Science Faculty has recently had four laboratories renovated up to modern standards. These rooms (E7, F4, G3 and G4) whilst functional for teaching and learning, were not the best environments for students to engage with their teachers and fellow students. Now these spaces have been transformed, and all who use them feel that they are far more productive and engaged with their learning and personal development.
Gone is the old blackboard from F4 that didn’t move and gave no space to write students' instruction; improved is the lighting and ventilation of G Block so students can see and breathe more easily; removed are the fixed benches of E7 that allowed no flexibility of the learning spaces to suit different activities, and at which students couldn’t sit comfortably due to gas and water pipes running underneath them. Gone are the curtains that didn’t block out the light, and had to be carefully moved to the corners of the room as soon as the bunsen burners were lit!
Now the labs have big whiteboards with new data projectors shining on them to allow teachers to use a blend of digital and hand written notes to guide students. Air conditioning has been installed to provide cool, fresh air to keep minds sharp all day during the summer, and the labs comfortably warm during the winter. Suspended ceilings with acoustic tiles have been installed to minimise the noise and disturbance caused by the movement of upstairs classrooms. New LED lighting provides a more natural colour of light and fewer shadows, enabling students to work without straining their eyes anywhere in the room.
New wall coverings add colour and vibrancy to the rooms, allowing teachers to display a large amount of student work. New Multimedia systems enable teachers to connect PCs, iPads and other devices to show students online resources, scientific videos (Sir David Attenborough is a hero to many of us in the Science Faculty!) and work produced on students' own devices. And most importantly, the science workstations give room for pairs of students to easily carry out experiments with access to 240V mains power, 12V DC/AC, gas and water, enabling a full range of practical experiments to be carried out around the room.
Below..Out with the old and in with the new!
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![]() Students who were in these rooms last year are marvelling at the transformation, with “wow” being the oft heard exclamation the first time they saw the change, and teachers are already commenting on how well the modern learning spaces enable students to maintain their focus, even to the end of the day when students attention traditionally wanes |
The Science Faculty and students would like to the thank the Board of Trustees and Mr Bovaird for their support in these renovations, as well as Mr Skeen (the Lynfield College Property Manager) for his hard work in pushing the Ministry for the money,his no nonsense approach to the tradesmen, and the constant attention to detail over the whole project (including the summer holidays when most other staff are enjoying a well deserved rest).
Athletics Day this Friday 20 February..
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers but this definitely does not cover all info you need to know to have a smooth, enjoyable day:
Q. What should the Y9 & Y10 students wear?
PE gear or PE shorts and an official House T-shirt (sold through the Sports Office – some spares available $20).
Q. Can Y9 & Y10 wear PE gear to school?
Yes. Any extra adornments in House colours to enhance their PE uniform is to be brought to school in their bags and added once at school. NO body paint of any kind.
Q. What should the Y11, 12, 13 students wear to school?
Appropriate mufti in House colours, suitable for participating. Any extra adornments in House colours to enhance their mufti are to be brought to school in their bags and added once at school.
Q. Will the school day begin and end at the usual times?
Yes, 8.40am – 3.10pm as usual.
Q. What if it is wet or the forecast is promising rain?
If there is a passing shower or it is overcast when students leave home and the rest of the day is likely to be fine students should come prepared for Athletics day dressed in PE gear.
If it is pouring with rain when they leave home all students must bring their normal Friday books and wear their usual full school uniform.
Q. How will a cancellation be communicated?
If the decision is made to cancel Athletics Day this will be communicated to parents by 7.45am via the website, email and twitter and normal Friday classes will run throughout the day.
Q. What should the students bring?
We look forward to an enjoyable and successful day.
Thank you,
Felicity Walbran
Director of Sport
Head Boy Andrew Sampson and Head Girl Alice Neville-Smith report..
The Lynfield College Student Leadership Team went on camp from the 30th to 31st of January at the AUT City Campus. After being welcomed with a Mihi Whakatau, we settled into our apartments. Our busy afternoon began with a presentation by Arizona Leger; followed by Tom O’Neill- a published author who is regarded as a people interpreter. During Mr O’Neill’s workshop, we took a personality quiz that identified our personality types within a Leadership group. It helped us understand our strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to know how we can work best as a team.
We then caught buses (with Lynfield getting a whole bus to ourselves as there were 41 of us) over to AUT’s North Shore Campus to participate in a variety of fun team games. Hand in hand, we went up against the four other schools as we put our leadership and communication skills to the test. For the last activity of the evening, dubbed “AUT’s Got Talent”- we came together as a team and performed a spirited, school chant, utilising our dominating student numbers to give us an advantage. Although we didn’t win, it left us in high spirits, and ready for the next day.
The second day was just as jam-packed. We were up at 6am, for breakfast at 7am. We received a presentation about event management and then began a planning session, during which we came up with a mission statement and looked at the values we wanted to display as a cohort within the school.
After lunch we had another workshop by ‘Attitude’ speakers Allenzo and Jonny. Their life experiences both entertained and inspired us. Our concluding workshop was on ‘Public Speaking and Presentation Skills’ presented by the charismatic Maggie Eyre who has previously worked with prominent New Zealand figures. She had us up and about, as she gave us tools to help strengthen our confidence and further our public speaking abilities. Her workshop was eye opening and invaluable for us as we move into our leadership roles. We finished off the camp with a slideshow of our time there and a barbecue for our families.
Overall, we were extremely proud to represent Lynfield College. This was the first opportunity we had to get to know each other, and we came out feeling like a real team - ready to take on the year!
Gauri Prabhakar reports..
I can’t even begin to describe how amazing the Governance Challenge at Great Barrier Island was. The views were absolutely stunning (the sunset was right by our doorstep!), the food was fabulous, the instructors were unbelievably helpful, and the people I met will have a lasting impression on me for the rest of my life. I’ll be honest with you – I was a bit apprehensive when I boarded my 10-seater plane, but I’m glad to say that I returned with a whole new set of skills that will definitely be of utmost use to me – not only in Board Meetings, but in my future endeavors.
In the 5 days that I was there, I was exposed to a completely new life – one that involved sea kayaking, tramping, coasteering (navigating your way around a small island), rock climbing, and my personal favorite: sleeping under the stars. I was astonished – and a bit jealous too, I might add – that there were people who lived on the island and experienced these activities every single day.
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I had to learn to do things that I’d never done before and it’d be fair of me to say that participating in the Outdoor Pursuits Programme was the furthest I’ve ever been from of my comfort zone. At one point, I found myself on top of a 10m high cliff, looking down at the crashing waves, and wondering if I’d live to see another day if I’d jumped. But what was rewarding about this was the fact that I was surrounded by other Board of Trustees Student Representatives who were just as terrified as I was, but continued to surround me in their support and encouragement. I feel like that’s analogous of how the real Board of Trustees meetings are – although I do get the occasional butterflies before I walk into one, I know that everyone in the room only wants what is best for me and our school. This leads onto how the outdoor challenges developed the relationship and dynamic between myself and my fellow Student Trustees and allowed me to foster my team-building skills further. We all learned the importance of working together and relying on one another – whether it was for something as simple as cleaning the dishes or forming a kayak raft and using a tent as a sail (yes that actually happened!). |
And of course, we had morning and evening sessions conducted by the lovely Tricia Chapman from the New Zealand School Trustees Association, who came and taught us about our role and what the coming year entailed. I loved how genuinely passionate she was about us and I especially loved how she inspired me to take a step towards speaking up and expressing my opinions more in Board meetings. I learned more than I ever possibly could in 5 short days and I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life. I’d like to thank the Board and Lynfield College for funding this trip and in return, I hope to rise in my role as the Board of Trustees Student Representative for 2015 and help to make a positive difference in the school.
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An opportunity has arisen for Lynfield College students to visit our “Friendship School”, Greentown School, in Hangzhou, China in April 2016. During the school visit, students will also have an opportunity to travel around Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and Beijing. The purpose of the trip is to fully immerse the students in both the Chinese language and social environment and to learn about Chinese culture and history. The school is supportive of this excellent opportunity for students to visit China and gain an international experience.
The trip will take place from the last week of Term One through to the end of the first week of the school holidays (16 days). We plan to fly with Air New Zealand which has a direct flight from Auckland to Shanghai. We will travel around Shanghai and Suzhou for 5 days before going to Hangzhou City to visit Greentown School where we will be hosted by Greentown students and teachers for a week. After that we will take an overnight train to Beijing and spend 5 days there. We have many exciting activities planned.
The total cost to each student will be around $4,250 and represents excellent value. This includes return airfare, taxes, meals, hotels, transport (including overnight train), entrance tickets for all historical sites and parks and travel expenses in the areas around Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Beijing.
Please contact Ms Fang at jfang@lynfield.school.nz or Mr. Aitken at aaitken@lynfield.school.nz to indicate your interest.
Early in term two this year, 18 students from Hangzhou Greentown School will visit Lynfield College from 30 April - 5 May (total 6 days) as part of our exchange programme. Students who are interested in hosting Greentown students should contact either Ms Fang at jfang@lynfield.school.nz or Mr. Aitken at aaitken@lynfield.school.nz. For those students considering going on the China trip in 2016, this offers a great opportunity to make an initial friendship. The College offers financial support to those families hosting a Greentown student.
Pacific students may join the Pacific form class if they wish and the advantages of a vertical form class have been evident already. Prior to beginning their first afternoon as Lynfield College students, new Year 9 Pacific students had the opportunity to meet the Pacific Form class teacher, Ms van Heeswijk, as well as Mr Chris Peteru, Mr Alistair Aitken(Deputy Principal) and Mr Brian Tonks(Guidance Counsellor). Several senior Pacific form class students, Mele Fetuani, Sofia Peteru and Milika Tagicakiverata led the Year 9’s through fun games. The gathering concluded with some refreshments. |
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The first Pacific Parents Evening for 2015 was held last Thursday February 12, from 6pm to 8pm in the Staffroom.
A small group of parents of Year 9 students attended along with other family members, Polly Kita, Anahina Sikalu and Lute Sikalu also attended along with senior students. Chris Peteru, Pacific Island Students Coordinator welcomed the new students and their parents. Steve Bovaird and Raneeta Prasad (Year 9 Dean) also gave speeches of welcome.
Chris Peteru was the chief BBQ chef, and after the food was blessed by Anahina Sikalu the parents and teachers sat down with the students to share the food and conversation. Although numbers were small, there was a very positive feel to the evening and some parents expressed an interest in joining the Pacific Islands Parents Group.
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