March 2024

Holiday Message from our Deans

Hannah James Raneeta Sarah Stu

Check out our Deans 'Happy Holiday Break' message:

Sure hope they shared the chocolate!

Lynfield Jazz Combos hit Tauranga Jazz Festival

All four Jazz Combos hit the road last Tuesday to compete in the New Zealand Youth Jazz Festival in Tauranga. A 6.00 am start saw a few tired faces and sleepy students on the bus, but the energy built the closer we got to the venue, and they were buzzing by the time we arrived.

For most of the students, it was their first time competing in the competition, with only a few of the Year 13 students having experienced the trip before. All of the combos had rehearsed well leading into their performances and played well when the pressure hit. Following the performances, the groups stayed on stage and had a quick workshop with the judges, taking away some valuable insights for future performances.

Some highlights included a Polyrhythmic arrangement of All Blues (the set piece) with a great Solo by Wayne Wang on drums for the Moa Combo, a beautiful vocal performance of In a Sentimental Mood by Arlia Potauaine and the Whekau Combo, a funky rendition of The Jody Grind by the Huia combo and some fantastic Guitar and Trumpet solos by Dev Tiwari and Noah Pin during the Pouakai Combos performance.

The results were released on Thursday night, with the Moa Combo taking away a Gold award, and the Pouakai, Whekau and Huia combos all getting Bronze. Huge Congratulations to all of the students, and special thanks to Charlie Isdale, Michael Howell, Tom Broome, Kathleen Tomacruz and Andrew Isdale.
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Kapa Haka Group Perform at Polyfest 2024

Our Lynfield College kapa haka group staged on Wednesday 20 March at the Manukau Sportsbowl. Many whanau, kaiako, past students and supporters were present or streaming the event (one whanau from Ahitereiria). The group was tutored by Matua Tu, his whanau Jas and Pare assisted him over the past month to create a set that was focussed around remembering Whaea Brenda (Matua Tu's wife and our long standing tutor, who passed). The group performed with mana and kaha as you can see in the photos below.

It was great to have a full whare at Te Ringa Awhina with whanau, akonga and kaiako building whanaungatanaga tika throughout this kaupapa. Special mention to Hayley Dawson for organising the kai for the group and all whanau members who contributed and set up, the kaiakaranga (Lani's whanau) Thyaree Flores for hair and makeup and Dylen Motufoaki for the whaikorero and assisting the tama.

A massive mihi aroha to the group of mana wahine who drove this kaupapa, allowing our akonga to experience Polyfest. Without the Whaea (Whaea Bonn, Whaea Larissa and Whaea Maihi) this wouldn't have been possible. The late nights, dedication, kai making, uniform organisation, cleaning, etc have not gone unnoticed, Hei mahi tahi.

To our akonga, kia kaha ki te eke ki te taumata teitei.

Members: Hunter Savieti (kaitataki wahine) Danyon Varney (kaitataki tane) John Mahe, Faith Motufoaki, Ben Flores, Milla Wild, Tiamo Wild, Taylah Dawson, Leilani Day, Jaylah Devery, Hayley Duncan, Isabella James, Maryam Khan, Lorelai Postelwaight, Honey Reti-Hotu, Rai Rodriguez, Kalana Te Amo-Naea, Akeelah Te Rangi and Nakkita Tuhaka.

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Hui Whanau and Kapa Haka Dress Rehearsal

Last week on Thursday 14 March we had a hui whanau and dress rehearsal  at Te Ringa Awhina Marae for the kapa haka group, in preparation for their performance at Polyfest on Wednesday 20 March. It was a wonderful evening filled with korero, whakawhanaungatanga and kai. Many thanks to Vini Laga'aia for his photos below.

Ka nui te mihi ki nga whanau nga kaiako me nga akonga.

Many thanks to Vini Laga'aia for his photos.

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Volleyball Senior Boys Gold

Our Senior Gold Volleyball Team have had a very eventful couple weeks. Following their final weekly matches, they also competed in the Auckland Secondary Schools Volleyball Champs held at Pulman Arena from 13 – 15 March. Out of the 60 teams that competed, Lynfield finished 11th in this awesome event! This is an incredible result for the team as they went into the competition as ‘Underdogs’ but managed to pull off some upset victories against Auckland Boys’ Grammar School and Northcote College. 

This week they have been competing at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Volleyball Nationals held in the CET Arena in Palmerston North from 17 – 22 March. This was a much tougher competition than the Auckland Champs and lots of new experiences for the boys to learn from. Despite having several close matches with other schools, going to five sets in the early session, our boys were unfortunate to not take any wins. They played off for 15th and 16th in Division 2 on Friday afternoon and ended with an impressive 31st from a total of 96 teams.

A huge thank you to Peter Jamieson and Carmen Hansell for their coaching, vision and encouragement and to Elliot Dye for managing the team.

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International Women's Day 2024

Our Year 12 students and Dean Mr Appleby made a video to celebrate IWD 2024: 

Happy International Women's Day to all.

With well over a century of history and change, the first International Women's Day (IWD) was held in March 1911. IWD isn't country, group or organization specific. It's a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women's equality.

Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made towards gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done. World-renowned feminist, journalist and activist, Gloria Steinem, reportedly once explained: "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."

This year’s campaign theme is 'Inspire Inclusion'

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women.

This year's campaign theme underscores the crucial role of inclusion in achieving gender equality. Inspire Inclusion encourages everyone to recognize the unique perspectives and contributions of women from all walks of life, including those from marginalized communities.

NCEA Information Evening

On Tuesday 5 March, we held our NCEA Information Evening in the Lynfield College Hall. Academic Advisor, Neil Waddington, delivered informative presentations to students and Whānau of Year 11 explaining the changes to achievement at Level 1, and then to Years 12 and 13 on the intricacies of Levels 2 and 3. After the presentation, whānau took the opportunity to have one-on-one discussions with Faculty Leaders and Senior staff, as well as our Careers team in the Staffroom.

Thank you to Neil, our Faculty Leaders, Careers team, and whānau for making this evening such a success. A link to the presentations can be found here:

Year 11 NCEA Presentation
Year 12 and 13 NCEA Presentation

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Literacy and Numeracy Standards for Year 10 and Senior Students

The NCEA Literacy and Numeracy standards are compulsory in 2024. This year, we are able to offer some Year 10 students the opportunity to obtain Literacy and Numeracy standards in Term 2, along with some Year 11’s who are yet to achieve this milestone. Decisions about who attempts each standard will be made on individual readiness, based on curriculum levels. If students pass this year, there is no requirement to obtain this award each year. Without it however students are unable to complete Level’s 1, 2, or 3.

All teachers, across subjects, will be providing tips and guidance to students, to help them hone the skills necessary to pass. Information can be accessed on the NCEA website link below should you wish to read further about these new standards.

There are two opportunities within each calendar year for students to attempt these exams.

NCEA Link:

Technology Fashion Design Auckland Art Gallery Trip

On Friday 1 March, 18 students from Level 1 and 2 Fashion and Design ventured to the Auckland Art Gallery to see the Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy exhibition.

Guo Pei's collection is highly sculptural, her use of exquisite materials and detailed craftsmanship in her designs were evocative and powerful. Each garment was complimented with custom made jewellery, headpieces and shoes.

Students were treated to viewing the large and decorative collection of garments which will inspire and motivate them back in the classroom.

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newbuild march

30 Teaching Space New Build Update

Check out the exciting progress on our New Build from Naylor Love at the link below:
NL Lynfield College - Progress & Lookahead 01.03.24

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