Academic Courses

The New Zealand State Education System

The education system in New Zealand is a tiered model that includes early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools, followed by secondary schools and tertiary education at universities and polytechnics.

Click for further information on the New Zealand State Education System.

The New Zealand Curriculum

The New Zealand Curriculum is a statement of official policy that sets the direction for student learning and provides a framework young people to develop the competencies they need for study, work, and lifelong learning, so they may go on to realise their potential.

Click for further information on the Curriculum.

Senior School Academic Qualifications

Students who attend Lynfield College work towards their National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA). The NCEA is the official secondary school qualification in New Zealand.

Click for further information on Senior School Academic Qualifications.

two boys

     Did You Know?

          New Zealand's 15-year-olds are among the best in the world in science achievement
          according to OECD findings.


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