Lynfield College is fortunate in having the services of qualified specialist tutors to provide instrumental tuition to students. Tuition is available on the following instruments:
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Trumpet
- Saxophone
- Double Bass
- Guitar
- Bass
- Drums
Enrolment in instrumental tuition takes place in school in the first few weeks of the school year. Tuition takes place on a weekly basis with two to four students in each tutor group. The lessons are approximately 25 minutes each and are scheduled on a rotating basis so that students do not miss the same class each week.
The Enrolment Form for music instrument tuition is available below (if you are unable to enrol online please visit the Music Department any lunchtime where a music teacher will assist you to enrol).
Instrument Rental Costs: $80 to $120 depending on instrument (paid per term or annually)