Fashion and Design

Fashion and Design is offered from Years 11-13 and builds on the skills and knowledge learned at junior level. The courses use Technology achievement standards which are university approved and all three levels provide the opportunity for students to gain course endorsement. At Year 13 students have the opportunity to enter scholarship.

Learning Outcomes in Fashion and Design

Students will learn, develop and demonstrate the following skills:
  • Design principles and their use in fashion and product design
  • Fabric properties and their performance in material outcomes
  • Client relations and customizing garments
  • Critical analysis of existing products
  • Moral and ethical problem solving
  • Pattern drafting and adaptation
  • Lay plans and garment construction
  • Creation of different fabric applications (marbling, dying, printing, felting, embroidery)
  • Use of domestic and industrial equipment
 DSC 0139
GEDC1607 GEDC2103
GEDC1478 GEDC0195

Student opportunities and experiences:

Students are encouraged to extend themselves and develop a broad experience within different areas related to fashion through the following opportunities.
  • Work experience with New Zealand designers
  • Workshops at local tertiary providers
  • Fashion competitions
  • Trips to fashion related events
  • Fashion club- after school learning and support group
  • Trips to local Universities
  • Fashion guest speakers at careers week


Fashion career pathways:

Fashion Designer                         Product Designer                     Textiles Designer
Interior Designer                           Fashion Merchandiser              Fashion Sales Rep
Event Management                       Production                               Patternmaker
CAD Specialist                             Fashion Buyer                         Fashion Writer
Fashion Stylist                             Fashion Illustrator                     Fashion Photographer
Costume Designer                        Personal Stylist                       Wardrobe Manager

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