Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe, e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta.
Don't paddle out of unison, our canoe will never reach the shore.
The New Zealand Curriculum
The Technology Faculty provides appropriate and targeted pathways into the tertiary sector for all students as well as providing foundational technological courses for students moving directly into employment. Opportunities are aligned with teachers own skills and knowledge, that promote deeper learning and engagement of students.
For an overview of the courses available in Year 10 in our Technology Faculty CLICK HERE
For an overview of the courses available for Years 11 to 13 in our Technology Faculty CLICK HERE
Technology and Values
The Technology Faculty provides a natural and authentic learning experience to embed values into student learning programmes. The Technology Faculty through their teaching practice strives to develop the following values in students:
Excellence: Encouraging students to research and explore possibilities to reach the highest standard.
Innovation, inquiry and curiosity: Encourage students to be creative in their outcomes and experiment with different materials, designs, and ingredients.
Diversity: Explore how their work would be viewed by people from different ages, ethnicity and gender. Consider what social, cultural and historical influences could impact student outcomes.
Equity: How all students have equal opportunity to achieve.
Community and participation: Developing students’ skills with working with clients and internal / external groups.
Sustainability: Explore values associated with sustainable practice both material and human, and caring for our environment.
Integrity: Explore how their work is ‘fit for purpose’, how it will be viewed in the future. Explore the functionality of their outcome.
Technology Facilities
The Technology facility at Lynfield College is a modern and dynamic learning environment. Each room is well equipped with modern industrial level equipment and ICT programmes. The facility consists of 6 computer suites, 3 workshops, 2 specialist design and visual communications rooms, automotive workshop, electronics room, soft materials work room, 2 foods rooms, cafe and a commercial kitchen.