Ui mai koe ki ahau he aha te mea nui o te ao, Mâku e kî atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata!
Ask me, “What is the greatest thing in the world?” I will reply, “It is people, people, people!”
Students taking part in the ANZAC Amazing Race |
10WN students learning about Palm Oil at the Auckland Zoo |
Social studies is a compulsory subject for Year 9 and Year 10 students at Lynfield College.
Social studies is the study of an integrated body of content drawn from the social sciences and the humanities. It enables students to develop the skills to understand, participate in, and contribute to their local, national, and global communities as informed, confident and responsible citizens. Students will investigate society, explore issues, make decisions, and work cooperatively with others.
In addition, it provides the basis for courses in the senior school such as classical studies, economics, geography and history.
Our compulsory topics are:
- Rome– We study Roman civilisation and culture and assess its contribution to our modern world. What do we owe the Romans?
- People, Power and Parliament – What makes New Zealand and New Zealanders unique? What place does the Treaty of Waitangi have in our lives? We investigate how our government functions How does it compare to other systems in other societies.
- Going Places – We explore the development of the tourism industry both nationally and internationally. How has this impacted on selected communities?
Our compulsory topics are:
- Human Rights– We identify some of the rights that people have and investigate selected case studies of breaches e.g. slavery, Aboriginal rights and apartheid
- Unequal World – We explore the economic and social differences between countries
- Nazi Germany– We investigate the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his government and identify the impact that they had on the people in Germany and the world