Year 12
At this level, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following content to meet the standard. At Lynfield we take into account students’ prior learning in business studies and the learning progressions for Year 12, as well as students’ diverse talents, needs, and aspirations.
Business formation ~ Discuss features of organisational structures of businesses and their advantages and disadvantages.
Functions of business ~Develop and refine a business plan ~ Design, conduct and present market research for a product ~ Explain factors in relation to the production process and the supply chain.~ Identify growth strategies and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
People in business ~ Explain motivation theories and practice ~ Explain the roles and skills of managers and leaders ~ Explain the role of trade unions and employer associations ~ Explain organisational culture.
Business management ~ Use financial information for controlling, reporting, and decision making ~ Explain the need for internal controls.
Business environment ~ Explain the role global trends play in business success ~ Discuss corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and philanthropy ~ Explain political, social, and technological influences on businesses ~ Explain the need for an enterprise culture in New Zealand society ~ Explain ethical issues relating to business activities.
Rainbows End Experience helps upcoming Entrepreneurs!!
Year 12 Business Studies students spent a day in February at Rainbows End exploring daily operations and interviewing the Marketing Manager on the key factors of success. This initiative was to engage students with their internal assessments in a meaningful and real context.
The assessments required students to run their own business activity with a community wellbeing focus and to create a marketing plan on a product. The students formed one large company, called ALL FOR ONE. They invested their own start-up capital and created customised phone cases with their chosen charity’s message on it. They felt that the amount of time youth spend on their phones would be an effective canvas to place their charity’s anti-bullying message, as well as directly target the phone where cyber-bulling stemmed from.
Their chosen charity, the String Movement is an upcoming charity promoting anti-bullying across schools in Australia and New Zealand. Over two terms, students sold over 60 phone cases for $5, raised awareness for their charity’s cause and donated $200 of their profit to the String Movement. They learnt valuable business and marketing skills as well as the key message that socially responsible businesses are more successful, overall. The String Movement was most impressed with our first time entrepreneurs and their passion for their business.
Photo – Raneeta Prasad(Teacher), Fiona Liu(CEO), Rishab Goswami(Finance Manager), Kathleen Senefelices (Communicationas Manager) present a $200 cheque to Abby from the String Movement on behalf of their student company, All for One. |
Year 13
At this level, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following content to meet the standard. At Lynfield we take into account students’ prior learning in business studies and students’ diverse talents, needs and aspirations.
Business functions ~ Evaluate and recognise strategic improvements to a business plan ~ Analyse and interpret market research data ~ Explain how the components of the marketing mix interact ~ Evaluate approaches to quality control for global business.
People in business ~ Analyse the human resource cycle from a strategic perspective ~ Explain the role of cultural intelligence in global markets.
Business management ~ Evaluate methods used by businesses to manage change effectively ~ Evaluate a business’s need for assistance and advice ~ Evaluate a business’s strategic decisions.Use financial tools for forecasting ~ Explain factors affecting business location.
Business environment ~ Evaluate the likely impact, on local and global business and society of operating in a sustainable manner ~
Evaluate strategies that local and central agencies could adopt to encourage business ~ Evaluate the impact of changes in the global marketplace on local businesses ~ Evaluate the role of New Zealand multinational business in the global economy and analyse its impact on the host country ~ Explain the risks and opportunities involved in expanding globally ~ Explain the role of innovation in business success
ANZ Guest Speakers in partnership with Business Studies at Lynfield College
It is always a challenge for Business Studies teachers to connect students to global businesses. Multinationals and their corporate employees are always too busy and are never available.
Not so this year!!! ANZ said a wholehearted yes when asked to come and offer their expertise. Year 13 Business Studies students got 6 senior managers to offer their time and knowledge in the areas of Human Resource Management, Marketing Planning and Exporting to new Foreign Markets. Students were able to interview them, get access to resources and gain real business insight they could understand and utilise in their assessments.
We thank and appreciate the following ANZ Management staff, Brooke Zondane and Leena Gore, Human Resource Managers, Jerry Yeoh and Richard McClew, Senior Managers from Trade Sales and Transactional Banking and Christine Greer, Business Training Manager. We want to extend special thanks to Jan Emerson, Manager of ANZ Blockhouse Bay who coordinated all the guest speakers and shared her own career experience.
Photo(left) – 13BUS students, Mrs Raneeta Prasad, Jan Emerson ANZ Branch Manager, Jerry Yeoh and Richard McClew, ANZ Senior Managers of Trade Sales and Transactional Banking in Room L2
Photo(right)– Christine Greer, ANZ Business Training Manager delivering a Marketing Presentation to 13BUS students in class.
Shadow a Leader Business Event at AUT on 1/7/15
This is the second year that Business Studies students have hadthe opportunity to attend this corporate event organised by AUT and the business community.
Eilish Out-O’Reilly and Saagar Prasad, Year 13 Business Studies students spent a day starting with a corporate breakfast conference and then eventuating into a first-hand experience with a business industry leader, Mi9NZ. They spent the day with them, visited the company head office, attended meetings, listened in on client and core business issues and even got an opportunity to give their own ideas on real issues within the business.
At the end of the day they were buzzing with all the excitement that comes from knowing this is what they want in their future and savouring their first taste of business success. It is a day they will remember for a long time!
Photos : Maddie Hughes (AUT Business School), Eilish Out-O'Reilly (Lynfield College) and two executives from Mi9 New Zealand
Photo below.. Jeff Douglas (Douglas Pharmaceuticals Ltd), Morgan Davis (AUT Business School student), Saagar Prasad (Lynfield College),